Williams Communications, California Fiber Optic Cable Installation Project, Various Counties, CA
JMA prepared paleontological survey reports and mitigation plans to evaluate existing paleontological resources for fiber optic line installation. In the ES, JMA identified any adverse impacts which might have occurred as a result of grading related to project development, and outlined appropriate monitoring and mitigation measures. These paleontological services included literature search, field reconnaissance, and survey final reports. JMA also provided paleontological mitigation monitoring for this project. This multi-year project has included over 2000 miles of fiber optic lines on 10 routes throughout California. These project routes extended from: Los Angeles To Anaheim, Los Angeles To Riverside, Sacramento to Pittsburg, Sacramento to Pt. Arena, Sacramento to Reno, San Diego to Riverside, Riverside to Phoenix, Bakersfield to San Louis Obispo, San Francisco to Santa Clara, and San Louis Obispo to Morro Bay. On a related project in Amboy JMA provided paleontological consulting services for an IXC Regenerator Overbuild Project.